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Oral Health

oral health

The secret to living your best life

Oral Health

Many people believe that good oral health is all about simply preventing cavities and keeping their smile nice and bright.

And that’s true. But there’s so much more to it.

It’s true that good oral health- including regular brushing and flossing- can help ensure your teeth serve you well throughout your life but it is also key to a healthy lifestyle.

oral health

Why regular checkups matter

By looking after your oral health properly through regular check ups together we can:

Improve your overall health- poor oral health and the build up of plaque has been linked to other serious diseases including respiratory problems, heart disease and diabetes.

Help treat bleeding gums and prevent gum disease- we can treat, stop and even reverse gum disease and potential tooth loss by regular cleaning, both at home and professionally.

Prevent bad breath- bacteria under the gum line can cause halitosis (bad breath)

Screen for and help prevent oral cancer- during your visit to your practice we screen for oral cancer. When detected early, oral cancer is highly curable.

Create a personalised oral health strategy- your dentist will create a proactive oral health routine to best suit you. Depending on your oral health we will also suggest regular visits- usually every 3 to 6 months- to ensure the health of your mouth.

At DJ Maguire Dental Group we believe it’s never too late to start looking after your teeth and gums. Not only will it help keep your smile looking its very best, we believe it can help you live your best life.



Is there any difference between gum disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease?

Gum disease is the term most commonly used for any soreness, swelling or infection of your gums.

Gingivitis is a common and mild form of gum disease that affects the gingiva, or the gum surrounding the tooth’s base.

Periodontal disease is more severe and can infect not only your gums but also the supporting bone beneath it.

How do you check for gum disease?

During your check up, your dentist will look for signs of gum disease by measuring the ‘cuff’ of the gum around each of your teeth. If we do find signs of periodontal disease, we may need to take x-rays to see if any of the supporting bone structure has been lost or otherwise affected.

Does my young child need to see a dentist regularly? Won’t they get a new set of teeth anyway?

It’s never too early to learn how to take care of your teeth! Along with helping older children learn the proper way to brush and floss, we can also offer fluoride drops for children as young as 6 months- these help strengthen their developing teeth and make them more resistant to decay as they form.

By going to the dentist from a young age, your child learns that good oral health is a lifetime habit and, more importantly, nothing to be afraid of.